EZ Baths: Practical Luxuries: Why You Need Walk-in Bathtubs

The traditional bathtub already in your home can be slippery and risky to your health at any age. As you get older and begin to experience some loss of mobility or balance, those tubs can be downright dangerous, particularly when entering and exiting the tub. What's the answer to this dilemma? Following the lead of retirement communities all over the world, homeowners are considering a non-traditional Houston bathtubs installation: the walk-in tub.

Luxurious Bath Time Accommodations

These bathtubs are equipped with a tightly-sealing door that can be opened and closed for straightforward entry from the side or front. The tight seal prevents water from flooding the floor. For the most comfort, users may want to consider those options with inside-the-tub seating. A rapid drain system clears water quickly, so that users don't have to sit in the draining tub for long periods of time. Sometimes, during the Houston bathtubs installation, extra features are added for extra comfort or greater convenience. These extra features include handrails and adjustable shower heads.

Practical Reasons for Installing Walk-in Tubs

Why should you consider walk-in tubs? The first and most common reason for choosing this bit of luxury for your home is safety. The walk-in tub makes bathing easier for those with balance and mobility issues. To further support this, most of the tubs are designed with handrails and textured surfaces to prevent slipping. Another important reason inspiring the installation of these tubs is the absence of a sliding shower door. Sometimes seniors use those doors for extra stability, but the doors were never intended to withstand that much weight and become a risk when used incorrectly. One final reason to consider having one of these tubs installed is to raise the value of your home. This is an attractive factor, especially if you live in a retirement community.

Act Now

If you've noticed that it's getting harder to get into and out of your traditional tub, now is the time to consider upgrading your selected Houston bathtubs installation. Treat yourself to some practical luxuries before you experience bathtub injuries.
