When you think about upgrades to your bathroom, you will probably start by considering your budget. There are a few things to consider that may not be readily apparent in the cost of renovations. Once you find out what Lafayette bathtub installation costs, you will want to consider these other important factors before making your decision.

1. The Cost of Moving

If your current bathroom is not adequate to your needs as your mobility changes, consider what it would take to move to a place that was more suitable to your needs. Even assuming you are able to find something that works without needing alterations, the cost and stress of moving can add up quickly. It's often better to remodel than to move.

2. The Cost of Assisted Living Facilities

Most assisted living facilities come already equipped with walk-in tubs, grab rails, wider doors, and non-slip surfaces. They can also come with a hefty cost. In most cases, you will find yourself paying for those features at a premium.

3. The Cost of Unexpected Long-Term Care

The best time to make upgrades that increase your mobility and independence is before you need them. A slip and fall that lands you in the hospital can cost you thousands in medical bills and physical therapy, not to mention the discomfort and inconvenience. Beginning to make changes that allow you to age in place will save you the pain, expense and inconvenience of accidents and allow you more independence.

4. Resale Value

Homes that have already been outfitted with safety enhancements will often have a higher resale value, especially in areas where there is a large retirement community. Consider if the upgrades you are making will increase the resale value of your home, and the bathtub installation cost in Lafayette may actually pay for itself. Once you've considered all of the factors that can impact your budget, you may have a different view of the costs associated with a new bathtub installation. The peace of mind that comes from staying in your own home cannot be overestimated. Talk to a reputable company about your needs and get an estimate to find out more about Lafayette bathtub installation costs.
